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Ordained By God - Poem from the book, “Cries from a troubled Africa nation”

13 years ago | 3798 Views
Ordained By God


I saw a man on a journey

On his way to be stranger in the east

“Follow me”, he told the crowd

“Come let us follow the cloud”

They laughed at him

And they mocked his pride,

Then I saw another man

He was a preacher according to his rob

He too was on a journey

On his way to be a stranger in the east

“Follow me”, he told the crowd

“Come let us follow the cloud”

One after another they followed him


Can’t you see preacher?

Where are your eyes?

Where is your inner sight?

The heavens are on your side

They curse those who curse you

And they bless those who bless you

Raise your voice and mothers will listen

Fathers will take heed and children will obey

Be our shepherd you of the church of God

Be our shepherd you jewel of God

Can’t you see that he has ordained you?

Lead us from this captivity

Freedom is a gift you have been given

Freedom is a gift you must give


The Promises Of My People


0 thepromises


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