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True Heroes

13 years ago | 3368 Views
True Heroes


Hail Oh Nkomo

Mqabuko Kanjongolo Nkomo

You are a star

A light that will always be remembered

If God willed

He would let you live again

He would let you see the pain

The pain people had

When your breath sailed away

There was non like you

A true hero, a true father, a true president

The people loved you

And since the day you left

They have taken care of your own


Shame Oh Mugabe

Robert Gabriel Mugabe

You are a thorn

A thorn that will always be remembered

If God wills

He will let you live again

He will let you see the joy

The joy people will have

When your breath sails away

There are many like you

False heroes, false fathers and false presidents

But not all is gone, your people

With true deeds, make them love you

And when you are gone

They will take care of your own

Poem from the book “Cries Of A Troubled African Nation”


The Promises Of My People
0 thepromises


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