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My Brothers And Sisters - Poems from the book “Cries From A Troubled African Nation”

13 years ago | 2171 Views

Open Your Eyes


Our future

Yes my friend, our future is bright

Me and you, we are the ones who build it

With all this pressure

With all these lost dreams

A bright future may not be in sight

And handouts may be the only way out

But look, yes my friend look

Look past the lies

Look past the dimes they give you

The money tainted with blood,

It brings all the fun

But it does not fill your mother`s bun

It’s their future versus yours

They are old and you are young

They have buns in foreign lands

They will leave fortunes for their children

But what will you leave for yours




The Feeling At Sunset


Do you remember the soccer games?

The songs we used to sing

The loud drums and the loud shouts

Do you remember the rumblings?

The home defenders against the local high school players

You were with the home defenders

And I was with the high school team

Those were the days

They were filled with strife

They were filled with fights

But at sunset there was always joy

All the foes became friends

It was as if they came from the same womb


We are playing a new game now

A game called politics

Deciding a future for ourselves

My view against yours

This one too has strive

And sometimes fights

But because of your spite

Your ignorance and your arrogance

Instead of joy

The sunsets are filling with sorrow

We are brothers and these are our sisters

Don’t let them take that from us

Don`t let them use you

They don’t care about anyone

Anyone except themselves    



Let Us Play


Let us play

Let us play, oh let us play

Look, love is in the air

Why fight when we can play

Why destroy when we can build?

You have your differences

I have mine

But together let us play


Let us play

Let us play, oh let us play

Tolerance is in the air

Among us there are no preys

Don’t listen to their lies

Our thoughts differ

But I am yours and you are mine

Come let us play


 Shame On You Big Brother


How much do you have?

How much do they have?

Count your pockets and count theirs

Sovereignty, is that what they call it

The weight of your pockets

And the weight of theirs

Look at their sons

Look at their daughters

Look at the schools they go to

Look at your brothers

Look at your sisters

Look at the schools we go to

Shame on you big brother

The  Promises Of My People


0 thepromises


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