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One More Time - Passage from the book “Cries From A Troubled African Nation”

13 years ago | 3458 Views
One More Time


Having once living in a third world, in a special country that was once democratic and prosperous then turned into a dictatorship and deprived of its fortunes, I appreciate the foreigners that raise their voice on behalf of innocent defenseless people. At the same time I am saddened with what I saw in the news when the United Nations passed resolution 1973 and the United States was involved in the initial attacks. I was saddened as some condemned the United States involvement because it did not have substantial interests in Libya. Is that what the world has come to, loss of moral and human obligations?


 Most people who were saying this are people who were born in a democratic system and do not understand how painful it is to be born in a crooked system and things don’t seem to be getting better. I wonder what would be their opinion if a battalion of soldiers are standing at their city gates ready to slaughter them and their children. Would they go on TV and have the same argument. We are human beings and we must have compassion for others. One person`s life is worth more than a million dollars. In these revolutions or the ones to come, we need you and we ask you to raise your voice and come to the rescue of all who seek freedom. When our leaders start violating our rights, when our armies start killing our brothers and sisters, when our policemen can no longer protect us but falsely accuse us, please, please come to our aid, treat us as if we were your own.


As for us, those who seek freedom, we must realize that there is a price to pay for freedom and part of it is financial. Once we achieve our freedom we must remember that we have a debt to pay. This makes it easier for those who are able to help us to respond to our plea for help.

0 thepromises
Tags: libya, zimbabwe, the promises of my people, poem


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