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A True Friend; Words Far From Thee - Passage from the book “Cries From A Troubled African Nation”

13 years ago | 6102 Views
A True Friend; Words Far From Thee


“Friends” that’s a term that can never be fully understood. One may go down to the grave without understanding its depth nor its strength. One man`s version of a friend is different from another man`s version. Whether we understand it or not there is one thing that is certain; the fact that there are true friends and false friends. True friends are those who are there for you, care for you and are concerned if not excited about your future. Then there are false friends, they seem to be there for you, they seem to care for you and are not at all concerned or worried about your future. In terms of friendship, Zimbabwe (the people of Zimbabwe) too have true friends and false friends. An example of a true friend is South Africa, its neighboring country, they are there for us in terms of taking care of our people and they do equal legit business with Zimbabwe. An example of a false friend is China, it proclaims its solidarity with Zimbabwe but only to plunder and exploit its resources. It is not at all worried about Zimbabwe`s future and it is helping and strengthen the hands of those that are destroying. Its supports only a few, the ruling elite, and ignores the population all so it can have an undeserved share of Zimbabwe`s vast mineral resources. Today we say to China, “You are not a true friend of Zimbabwe, you are a friend of leaders of Zimbabwe and in as much as they have blood on their hands, you have blood on your hands. A new era is coming; the People of Zimbabwe are going to take back their freedom. We ask you to fully understand the concept of true friendship and bear in mind the tears and drops of blood of the orphans, mothers, the elders and all the suffering people of Zimbabwe. Allow us to help our self and allow others to help us when our blood is being spilled on the streets. Do not interfere with the just cause of those in the world who actually care about Zimbabwe, the people of Zimbabwe. A true friend; you once were but not now


0 thepromises
Tags: poem freedom zimbabwe true freinds china SADC


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